Planning for mathematics follows the structure of the White Rose Maths curriculum. Using the planning documents they have created allows teachers to see how this curriculum links to the National Curriculum as well as the progression of skills and knowledge that children will learn throughout their Primary schooling. The progression in skills is carefully planned in order to build fluency and deepen understanding of underlying mathematical concepts. Teaching is enhanced by a clear understanding of what children have learnt in previous years and where their learning journey will continue as they progress through key stages in the school.
This document shows the progress from Year 1 to Year 6 through the National Curriculum objectives and where they are covered in the White Rose Maths curriculum as well as where it supports the DfE’s ready to progress criteria.
Children are encouraged to find links with mathematics in other subjects to further develop their understanding of key concepts and where they can be applied. This could be collecting and presenting data in Science, measuring and weighing in DT, using grid references in Scratch in Computing and more.